
Ogallala UMC is pleased to offer 3 scholarships for college: the Dowling Family Scholarship, the Draucker Family Scholarship, and the Haggard Samp Scholarship. If you are a member of the Ogallala UMC, you may apply for all three by filling out one form, HERE. You can reapply every year as long as you meet the requirements below.

You are eligible to apply if you are:

  1. A graduating high school senior
  2. A student already attending a post-secondary school
  3. Any adult (of any age) who is enrolled, or planning to enroll, as a student during the coming school year
  4. A part-time or full-time student

Applications are due in the church office or online by March 31, 2023.


Haggard/Samp Scholarship

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The Dowling Scholarship

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Draucker Family Scholarship

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